Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Life Goes On

What a week! We've spent the past week moving into our new office. What I thought would be a four day weekend project turned into a much longer process. We're in the new building, but building walls, adding carpet, and doing finish work took longer than expected and we were finally able to move our furniture into place. Now comes the real work of unpacking all of the boxes and finding places for everything and putting everything in it's place! Holly and I are exhausted and it'll be another few days before we can give updates and have our ducks in a row, but we're getting there.

In the meantime, life goes on! While we were busy moving, two of our families were traveling to get their new additions. David and Karin came all the way from Belgium to be present at the birth of their new daughter, Sarah Grace, in their home state of Wyoming. It won't be hard for me to remember Sarah's birthday, as she shares her birthday with me! Sarah joins big sister Elizabeth, who seems quite happy to have a little sister to play with.

Matthew Malakai was born in Massachusetts and is almost ready to go home with new parents, Eliot and Gina, of California. As first time parents, they are more than a little excited. Deb Peckham, our MA social worker, has been invaluable in working with their birth mom to assist and make the adoption go smoothly. Our families are fortunate when they get to work with Deb. I'm looking forward to getting to see little Matthew when they get back to California!

We don't often get to see our babies after they go home due to geographical logistics, so photos are very important. We love it when we get photos of new babies (and updated photos of our kids). I'll share the photos of these recent babies and others in the next newsletter, so keep them coming!

1 comment:

Tammie said...

Happy belated birthday Tina. And congratulations to David and Karin and Eliot and Gina. What wonderful blessings. It's nice to hear families getting to complete their dreams. Keep those miracles coming.