Monday, March 23, 2009

Bringing Home Baby

I don't watch much television due to my fairly busy schedule, but this morning while getting ready for work I caught a show called "Bringing Home Baby" on TLC. I have to admit that having worked in Labor and Delivery for 7 years, I am still addicted to watching babies being born. I have yet to remain dry-eyed while observing or participating in the delivery of a baby. It's very moving to be there at the beginning of a life. It's definitely a privilege. When adoptive families are fortunate enough to be asked by a birth mother to be present at delivery, they should accept without reservation. While it may seem a little strange or feel somewhat foreign to be present while someone you don't know well is laboring and delivering -- a very intimate and private thing -- it is an experience that will bond you all, and will forever be a special memory you can share with your child. It becomes not about the privacy issue at all. It becomes a moment when you will all bear witness to the birth of a life and it's the gift of a lifetime.

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