Monday, November 17, 2008

Holiday Blues

With Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year's fast approaching, the inevitable holiday blues will set in. Everyone wants their baby home for the holidays. It's a special family time and a new baby makes it all the more special. For adoptive families who are waiting, it's a very difficult time to be joyous and spread good cheer. How do you get through it without curling up in a fetal position in your bed and feeling dismal? First of all, you can do whatever you feel you can do. You are exactly the person you feel you are. If you feel you are a positive, happy person, that's the person you are. If you feel dismal and depressed, that's the person you will be. So, you have to make up your mind to be positive and joyous, knowing that even if your baby is not home with you prior to this year's holiday season, you will successfully adopt and next year you will be celebrating even more than you thought possible. Of course it's normal to feel sad at a time when you want so badly to have a baby to shower with gifts and love. Isn't Christmas (or Hannukkah) more meaningful if you can do special things for someone? Make it a point this year to go out of your way to do something really nice for someone who otherwise might not be experiencing a nice holiday season (someone in a nursing home, hospital, or in physical rehab, a vet, or someone who is ill). They are easy to find. You will always feel good inside when you do things for people who truly appreciate it and feel left out. This is how you can overcome those holiday blues you have while waiting. I want to hear about what you chose to do and I want to feature the good deeds in my newsletter and on my blog. Turn a difficult time into a time of joy. The more you give, the more you receive. I will do my best to get all of you home with your baby as soon as possible. In the meantime, make it your New Year's resolution to spread the joy. A wise man once told me "God will never let you outdo him in generosity". I live by that belief and I know if you choose to do the same, God will bless you richly. Keep me posted on your progress.

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