Friday, July 31, 2009


Today is my son's 24th birthday. Happy Birthday, Ryan! His sister, Erin, will be 21 at the end of the Summer. The last of the Mohecans, Dylan, is 15 and I had to go to the high school this morning to pick up his registration packet. On the way back to my car, I stopped to view the Veteran's Memorial Wall at the school. I was stunned to see a number of my daughter's classmates from 2003 on the wall. They have given their lives in Iraq and Afganistan.

Many of us have experienced pregnancy and infant losses, especially in the adoption field. We somehow survive the grief and go on. However, as a mother, I can't even comprehend spending a lifetime sacrificing for and nurturing a child...only to have them taken from this earth in a heartbeat. That might be more than I could bear. In that moment, looking at the names on the memorial, I thought about the Moms. Dads too, but I think I resonated with the Moms. What must life be like after losing a child you've just finished raising? I never want to know the answer to that question. I can't imagine the sense of futility and loss. I hope they can find some peace and a way to cope. I pray for their serenity.

None of us imagined just a few short years ago that many of the kids we saw at the local high schools would fight and die for their country. I have the utmost respect for the military -- my Dad was a proud Marine -- but I truly hope our troops will all come home soon. We can't afford to lose any more of our children.

1 comment:

Brian and Bridget said...

Happy belated birthday to Ryan! I hope he had a great one.

It is so sad to think of the young people that have been lost to war. I can't even imagine the bravery that soldiers have. I, too, have the utmost respect for our military.