Tuesday, July 5, 2011

There Is No Justice

I want to believe that our justice system works.  I really do.  But I think that's just a fantasy we all believe in order to pass for a civilized society.  O.J. taught us to doubt.  Casey taught us that there is no justice.  Jose Baez took the case for free to make a name for himself.  He certainly did that.  Who knew the name Jose Baez before this trial?  Apparently it's all a game.  In this game, Baez wins and a baby loses.  Baez will go down in the judicial history books for being able to get a guilty client off free and clear.  It doesn't seem to bother him that he is defending someone who patently lies and has no conscience.  Casey didn't really win.  She may be free to move about the country, but she will never be free of the stigma.  At some point, karma will catch up with her.   Her parents didn't win.  They lost a granddaughter.  If people stood outside their home with "baby killer" signs before, what happens now that Casey will likely be freed? 

I asked my son what he thought of the announcement and what it taught him.  He said, "It taught me that anyone can kill a child and lie and get away with it".  If she was guilty of lying and they knew it, then how could her defense be believable?  Three years and a tremendous amount of money and manpower wasted.  Could the jury not see what the rest of the world saw?  Or did they just want to get home after two months of being sequestered?  After the verdict was read, Jose Baez stated that he was going to go home and tell his little daughter that he saved a life today.  He did save the life of Casey Anthony.  Too bad he wasn't there to save Caylee's life.  After all, isn't his reputation for winning more important than the life of a child?

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